LGBTQ+ lawyers, policy experts, and activists discuss the latest legal and political news affecting the LGBTQ+ community both in the U.S. and abroad. Hosted by Shain Filcher, Executive Director of the LGBT Bar of NY, with regularly featured guest Prof. Emeritus Arthur S. Leonard of New York Law School.

Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: November 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Discussion of: (1) the 2nd Circuit's ruling in Windsor striking down Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act; (2) the first U.S. prosecution of an anti-gay hate crime under the Hate Crimes Prevention Act; and (3) a Kentucky state court ruling that the sexual orientation of a parent cannot alone be a determining factor in a custody decision. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad. Uncategorized, gay, Law, News & Politics, LGBT, Legal

Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: October 2012
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Saturday Oct 20, 2012
Discussion of: (1) a MA federal court decision ordering gender reassignment surgery for a transgender inmate; (2) a CA case concerning claims that an Avis car rental discount extended to members of two LGBT organizations discriminated against heterosexuals; and (3) a custody dispute of a former NJ same-sex couple where one partner now wishes to relocate a child to Georgia. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Wednesday Sep 05, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: September 2012
Wednesday Sep 05, 2012
Wednesday Sep 05, 2012
Discussion of: (1) more DOMA developments and a loss for marriage equality proponents in Hawaii and (2) a case out of New York concerning New York City's adult zoning ordinance and the First Amendment. Visit www.le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: Summer 2012
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
Wednesday Jul 18, 2012
Discussion of: (1) the latest developments in connection with ongoing challenges to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and (2) a case out of New Mexico holding that non-biological, non-adoptive lesbian parent can qualify as a "natural mother." Visit www.le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Tuesday Jun 05, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: June 2012
Tuesday Jun 05, 2012
Tuesday Jun 05, 2012
Discussion of: (1) President's Obama's historic announcement of support for marriage equality; (2) 1st Circuit decision striking down Section 3 of DOMA; and (3) New York case concerning whether falsely calling someone gay is still slander per se. Visit www.le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday May 04, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: May 2012
Friday May 04, 2012
Friday May 04, 2012
Discussion of: (1) landmark ruling from the EEOC applying Title VII to discrimination claims based on gender identity, change of sex, and/or transgender status; (2) a Minnesota case concerning a union-administered employee benefits fund’s decision to drop a transgender woman from coverage after determining her marriage was not valid; and (3) a Mississippi case illustrating yet again some of the dangers for LGBT couples who do not make express their wishes about dividing up assets in the event of a break-up. Visit www.le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Thursday Apr 05, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: April 2012
Thursday Apr 05, 2012
Thursday Apr 05, 2012
Discussion of: (1) historic decision from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights affecting LGBT rights; (2) NYC case concerning transgender man's effort to obtain an amended birth certificate; and (3) whether insinuating someone is gay is still slander per se in Texas. Visit www.le-gal.org for more about LeGaL and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Monday Mar 05, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: March 2012
Monday Mar 05, 2012
Monday Mar 05, 2012
Discussion of: (1) the latest Prop 8 ruling; (2) a Missouri case concerning the blocking of LGBT-affirming websites by a school district's web filter; and (3) two DOMA cases. Visit www.le-gal.org for more about LeGaL and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday Feb 03, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: February 2012
Friday Feb 03, 2012
Friday Feb 03, 2012
Discussion of: (1) Minnesota Court of Appeals' ruling reviving the claims of three same-sex couples challenging the state's ban on same-sex marriage; (2) a 6th Circuit case concerning a counseling graduate student who was expelled after raising religious objections to counseling gay clients; and (3) an Iowa case concerning the rights of two mothers legally married in Iowa to have their names placed on the birth certificate of their child. Visit www.le-gal.org for more about LeGaL and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: January 2012
Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Tuesday Jan 03, 2012
Discussion of: (1) an 11th Circuit equal protection case involving termination of a transgender employee; (2) child custody cases out of Florida & New Jersey; and (3) a failed challenge to an incest statute premised on Lawrence v. Texas. Visit www.le-gal.org for more about LeGaL and to read/subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.