LGBTQ+ lawyers, policy experts, and activists discuss the latest legal and political news affecting the LGBTQ+ community both in the U.S. and abroad. Hosted by Shain Filcher, Executive Director of the LGBT Bar of NY, with regularly featured guest Prof. Emeritus Arthur S. Leonard of New York Law School.

Thursday Sep 12, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: September 2013
Thursday Sep 12, 2013
Thursday Sep 12, 2013
Discussion of: (1) a 9th Circuit case rejecting a constitutional challenge to the state’s ban on so-called sexual orientation conversion therapy; (2) developments out of New Mexico concerning a wedding photographer’s refusal to participate in a same-sex wedding ceremony and broader marriage equality news; and (3) additional cases demonstrating again the far-reaching impact of the US Supreme Court’s decision in Windsor.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal & legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: Summer 2013
Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Thursday Aug 01, 2013
Discussion of: (1) the first case to go to trial involving a hate crimes prosecution under the amended Federal hate crimes law, which now covers sexual orientation and gender identity; (2) a case out of Michigan involving the First Amendment claims of a high school student who made anti-gay comments on Anti-Bullying Day; and (3) two cases out of Michigan invoking the Windsor decision, which involve challenges the state's ban on same-sex couples getting married or jointly adopting children and a domestic partnership benefits statute. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal & legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Monday Jul 01, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: Special Supreme Court Edition
Monday Jul 01, 2013
Monday Jul 01, 2013
This special edition of the podcast covers the major decisions from the U.S. Supreme Court concerning the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8 in the Windsor and Perry cases, respectively. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal & legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday Jun 07, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: June 2013
Friday Jun 07, 2013
Friday Jun 07, 2013
Tune in for a brief update on marriage marriage equality developments and discussion of (1) a Florida case concerning whether gay sex qualifies as "sexual intercourse"; (2) a case out of Hong Kong concerning the right of a transgender woman to marry a man; and (3) an Iowa decision ordering the local health department to add the nonbirthing mother's name to the birth certificate of a married lesbian couple's child. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal & legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Tuesday May 07, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: May 2013
Tuesday May 07, 2013
Tuesday May 07, 2013
Discussion of: (1) global marriage equality developments; (2) a NJ case concerning the forced resignation of a gay teacher after discovery of sex-related items in his basement; and (3) the certification of a class action attacking Section 3 of DOMA in the context of spousal immigration rights. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal & legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Monday Apr 08, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: April 2013
Monday Apr 08, 2013
Monday Apr 08, 2013
Discussion of: (1) U.S. Supreme Court arguments in Prop 8 & DOMA; (2) a 4th Circuit ruling concerning Virginia's anti-sodomy statute; and (3) a case concerning homophobic threats communicated over Facebook. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal & legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: March 2013
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
Wednesday Mar 13, 2013
Discussion of: (1) the striking down of Austria's second-parent adoption ban; (2) the latest DOMA & Prop 8 developments in the U.S. Supreme Court; and (3) the firing of a lesbian Catholic school employee after she became pregnant through donor insemination. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal & legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Thursday Feb 21, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: February 2013
Thursday Feb 21, 2013
Thursday Feb 21, 2013
Discussion of: (1) a potential advance for transgender inmates seeking gender reassignment surgery; (2) the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to hear a challenge to the Federal requirement that NGOs working on HIV prevention affirmatively oppose prostitution; and (3) a California case involving the presumptive parentage claim of an adoptive parent's former same-sex partner. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal & legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: January 2013
Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Saturday Jan 12, 2013
Discussion of: (1) developments for marriage equality/DOMA cases in the U.S. Supreme Court; (2) a Montana case concerning an effort by six same-sex couples to obtain the equivalent of civil unions or domestic partnerships; and (3) a Wisconsin case concerning whether that State’s domestic partnership law violates its anti-marriage equality amendment passed in 2006. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: December 2012
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Thursday Dec 06, 2012
Discussion of: (1) the impact of the U.S. presidential election and victories at the ballot box for the LGBT community as well as U.S. Supreme Court (non-)developments; (2) a setback for marriage equality litigation in Nevada; (3) a Canadian case concerning criminal liability for HIV transmission; and (4) a Maine case concerning the bullying & harassment of a transgender student. Visit le-gal.org to learn more about LeGaL, The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York, and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.