LGBTQ+ lawyers, policy experts, and activists discuss the latest legal and political news affecting the LGBTQ+ community both in the U.S. and abroad. Hosted by Shain Filcher, Executive Director of the LGBT Bar of NY, with regularly featured guest Prof. Emeritus Arthur S. Leonard of New York Law School.

Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: June 2015
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Discussion of: (1) the marriage equality referendum in Ireland on May 22 and some other domestic developments on the marriage equality front; (2) several court decisions from the past month that collectively highlight the diverse legal landscape across the country for same-sex couples with children; (3) a new Title VII ruling involving a fired gay pilot; and (4) the denial of habeas relief handed down to an Idaho prisoner potentially incarcerated for 44 years for HIV exposure.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday May 08, 2015
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: May 2015
Friday May 08, 2015
Friday May 08, 2015
Discussion of: (1) the blockbuster oral argument on April 28 at the U.S. Supreme Court in the consolidated marriage equality and recognition cases from the Sixth Circuit, plus some minor updates from Kentucky and several of the federal circuits; (2) the mixed big this past month in several significant discrimination and prisoner rights cases involving transgender plaintiffs; and (3) an interesting ruling out of the intermediate appellate court in Kentucky concerning the standing of an ex-partner to intervene in a step-parent adoption after her former lesbian partner got married to a man.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: April 2015
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Discussion of: (1) the legislative developments in Utah, Indiana, and Arkansas that dominated the month of March; (2) all of the marriage equality litigation news from the last few weeks, including a look at who will argue before the U.S. Supreme Court at the end of April; (3) an important ruling from the New Jersey Supreme Court that may imperil a high-profile gay hate crime conviction; and (4) an interesting federal court decision about whether Grindr owes a duty of care to users of the gay hookup app.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Thursday Mar 05, 2015
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: March 2015
Thursday Mar 05, 2015
Thursday Mar 05, 2015
Discussion of: (1) all of the marriage equality litigation news since mid-February, including late-breaking developments out of Alabama and from the U.S. Supreme Court; (2) two important precedents set in the area of HIV criminalization in February; (3) a couple of breakthroughs out of the New Jersey Superior Court in a lawsuit filed to hold a faith-based conversion therapy provider liable under the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act; and (4) the latest bad news for former Michigan assistant attorney general Andrew Shirvell.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: February 2015
Thursday Feb 12, 2015
Thursday Feb 12, 2015
of: (1) all of the marriage equality litigation news from January through the second week in February, including the announcement of the certiorari grant from the Supreme Court and the latest on the situation in Alabama; (2) an intermediate Michigan appellate court decision rejecting a First Amendment challenge from a former assistant attorney general who posted outrageous and homophobic statements on a blog; (3) a California Supreme Court ruling holding that the state’s sex offender registration law does not violate equal protection when it only mandates registration for certain sexual acts; and (4) a military appeals court voiding a sodomy conviction based on the erroneous exclusion of evidence about a penis-measuring contest among Navy men at Guantanamo.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: January 2015
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Tuesday Jan 06, 2015
Discussion of: (1) all of the marriage equality litigation news from the last month of the year, plus the latest developments from Florida, the newest state where same-sex couples have the freedom to marry; (2) a devastating en banc First Circuit ruling for the transgender community that one dissenter compared to Plessy v. Ferguson; (3) a New York parental rights case involving a birth mother that wanted to have it both ways; and (4) a decision from the Rhode Island Supreme Court that dismissed a lawsuit brought by Catholic firefighters upset over being forced to participate in a gay pride parade.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday Dec 05, 2014
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: December 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Discussion of: (1) all of the marriage equality litigation news from the last month, including the latest developments on the certiorari petitions filed with the U.S. Supreme Court; (2) a case from New York's highest court involving the criminal law doctrine of repugnancy in the context of a transgender hate crime; (3) a Michigan federal district court striking down that state's ban on benefits for the partners of gay public employees; and (4) an interesting New York ruling involving an exception to the parental presumption for the children of married same-sex couples.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: November 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Discussion of: (1) all of the marriage equality litigation news since our last podcast in October, including the Sixth Circuit's long-awaited opinion that has now potentially reopened the door to Supreme Court review; (2) a case involving whether a straight man's sexual orientation has any relevance to whether he sexually abused another man; (3) a groundbreaking decision from the U.S. Office of Special Counsel that the Department of the Army engaged in unlawful discrimination against a transgender employee; and (4) where the 2014 election left the LGBT community.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: October 2014
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Sunday Oct 05, 2014
Discussion of: (1) all of the marriage equality litigation news, and lack thereof, since the beginning of September; (2) a Third Circuit panel's unanimous decision upholding New Jersey's ban on conversion therapy; (3) an interesting parental rights case out of Texas involving two dads that conceived a child via surrogacy; and (4) an unusual lawsuit filed by a white lesbian against a sperm bank that did not send her what she ordered.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Sunday Sep 07, 2014
Lesbian/Gay Law Notes Podcast: September 2014
Sunday Sep 07, 2014
Sunday Sep 07, 2014
Discussion of: (1) all of the marriage equality news since mid-July, including late breaking developments out of Louisiana and the Seventh Circuit; (2) President Obama's amending of important executive orders to protect the LGBT employees of the federal government and federal contractors; (3) an interesting parental rights case out of New Jersey; and (4) a decision involving a gay New York man's disturbing set of allegations against his gym.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to Lesbian/Gay Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.