LGBTQ+ lawyers, policy experts, and activists discuss the latest legal and political news affecting the LGBTQ+ community both in the U.S. and abroad. Hosted by Shain Filcher, Executive Director of the LGBT Bar of NY, with regularly featured guest Prof. Emeritus Arthur S. Leonard of New York Law School.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Waiting For Cake! -- February 2018
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
Wednesday Feb 14, 2018
We call this installment: “Waiting for cake.” That’s because SCOTUS seems to be saving
room for desert as the justices turn their nose up at several big LGBT legal entrees.
- SCOTUS passes over an employment discrimination case, a license to discriminate
case, a trans rights case and a resisting Obergefell case. - LGBT rights related activity from overseas.
- NY parenting case with our legal director
- LGBT Bar on NY is celebrating its 40th Anniversary with a very special "Of Note" segment.

Monday Jan 15, 2018
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: "Resist" - January 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Monday Jan 15, 2018
Themes of resistance run through the legal developments of the past 30 days. This episode of the Law Notes Podcast details: 1) how the Trump administration retreated after a series of 10 federal judges put a halt to the administration’s discriminatory transgender military ban; 2) US Supreme Court’s resistance to hearing several big LGBT rights cases: and 3) how the Iowa Supreme Court is resisting homophobic jurors.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday Dec 08, 2017
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: December 2017
Friday Dec 08, 2017
Friday Dec 08, 2017
Discussion of: (1) the oral argument for the blockbuster Masterpiece Cakeshop case at the U.S. Supreme Court; (2) marriage equality finally arriving in the Land Down Under; (3) another preliminary injunction against President Trump's ban on open transgender military service; and (4) two big wins in fully litigated Title VII cases.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: November 2017
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Tuesday Nov 14, 2017
Discussion of: (1) a great first ruling in one of the four movement organization lawsuits brought to stop President Trump’s ban on transgender troops; (2) two memorandums issued by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in October that threaten LGBT rights; (3) a decision from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ordering a new trial after a district court failed to ask jurors about anti-gay biases; and (4) a New York City judge allowing a Polish gay couple to get divorced, despite New York's statutory residency requirement.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday Oct 20, 2017
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: October 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Discussion of: (1) appellate courts in Arizona and New York extending traditional marital presumptions to same-sex couples; (2) two new cert petitions to watch at the U.S. Supreme Court; (3) a great decision from a federal district court rejecting all constitutional arguments made by wedding videographers in a pre-enforcement challenge to the ban on sexual orientation discrimination in public accommodations in the Minnesota Human Rights Act; and (4) homophobic restrictions imposed on a gay father in a parenting plan that was vacated by the Court of Appeals of Tennessee.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Monday Sep 11, 2017
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: September 2017
Monday Sep 11, 2017
Monday Sep 11, 2017
Discussion of: (1) President Trump setting in motion a ban on open transgender military service in the United States; (2) what is shaping up to be a blockbuster term at the U.S. Supreme Court for LGBT rights; (3) a fascinating custody dispute that has emerged out of the Hasidic community in Brooklyn; and (4) the state of play in Australia as a postal plebiscite on marriage equality gets underway.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday Jul 21, 2017
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: Summer 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Friday Jul 21, 2017
Discussion of: (1) the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirming Obergefell and the Texas Supreme Court's outrageous misreading of Obergefell only days later; (2) the hot-button First Amendment issue the Supreme Court agreed to decide next term; (3) why the big Title VII question could now also be decided by the Supreme Court in the next term; and (4) a setback from the Fifth Circuit in the constitutional challenge to Mississippi House Bill 1523.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Saturday Jun 10, 2017
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: June 2017
Saturday Jun 10, 2017
Saturday Jun 10, 2017
Discussion of: (1) two transgender rights breakthroughs under federal law in May; (2) Title VII developments in the Second Circuit; (3) a Kentucky Court of Appeals decision that a vendor did not violate a local antidiscrimination ordinance when it refused to make pride t-shirts; and (4) the wonderful marriage equality news out of Taiwan.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Saturday May 06, 2017
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: May 2017
Saturday May 06, 2017
Saturday May 06, 2017
Discussion of: (1) the first ruling under the federal Fair Housing Act to conclude it protects LGBT people; (2) a Manhattan court finding that a woman is not the legal parent to a child adopted by her former same-sex partner; (3) constitutional equal protection principles for jury selection being extended to sexual orientation in California; and (4) why Roy Moore is back in the news, despite losing his appeal to be reinstated as Chief Justice of Alabama.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.

Friday Apr 14, 2017
LGBT Law Notes Podcast: April 2017
Friday Apr 14, 2017
Friday Apr 14, 2017
Discussion of: (1) the flurry of Title VII decisions from federal appellate courts in the last month, especially the en banc Seventh Circuit's historic ruling in the Hively case; (2) the remand of Gavin Grimm's case back down to the Fourth Circuit; (3) the disappointing replacement for H.B. 2 in North Carolina; and (4) how Neil Gorsuch may impact LGBT rights now that he has been confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States.
Visit le-gal.org to learn more about The LGBT Bar Association of Greater New York and to subscribe to LGBT Law Notes, the most comprehensive monthly publication summarizing legal and legislative developments affecting the LGBT community here and abroad.